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Procurement Package Specification

March 21, 2003

Subject: Opportunity to Participate in the Decontamination Equipment, (Group B) (Reactor Cavity Scrubbers) Package No. 9-159-N221B

The Korean Peninsula Energy Development Organization (KEDO) is offering companies from KEDO Member Countries an opportunity to participate in the procurement of materials, components, and equipment for the construction of its Light Water Reactor Project in Kumho, North Korea.

This particular opportunity is for the supply of decontamination equipment (Group B). Interested companies who possess the technical capability, production capacity, and financial stability to offer a competitively priced product are encouraged to respond. KEDO will review the responses from interested companies and compile a consolidated list of candidates. This list will be forwarded to Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO), the Prime Contractor, with instructions to qualify these companies for inclusion in their Pool of Qualified Suppliers.

Any company interested, and who deems themselves capable of being qualified in providing decontamination equipment (Group B) is encouraged to complete the enclosed brief corporate overview and return it with any additional relevant corporate information to KEDO before the close of business on May 12, 2003. A brief summary of the technical specification for this procurement is enclosed to assist companies in making a determination to participate.

This information is also posted on KEDO's Web Page at

Companies selected by KEDO to be considered for this procurement should receive a qualification package from KEPCO around early July 2003.

If you have any questions regarding this opportunity, please feel free to contact Mr. Soon nam Jung at (212) 455-0207.


John B. Mulligan
Director, Project Operations Division

Attachments: Summary of PPI (1 page)
Brief Corporate Overview Form (2 pages)

Summary of PPI
SPEC NO. : 9-159-N221B
TITLE : Decontamination Equipment (Group B) (Reactor Cavity Scrubber)
a. Safety Category: Non-Safety Related
b. Relevant Codes and Standards (in effect as of December 31, 1996):
· ASME B31.1
· NEMA MG -1
· Reg. Guide 8.8
c. Scope of Supply (for two 1000 MWe units)
· Reactor Cavity Scrubber 2 sets (1 set for each unit)

d. Design Requirements
The Reactor Cavity Scrubber will be used as needed to decontaminate the reactor cavity following refueling operations.

· Reactor Cavity Wall Scrubber shall be provided WEPA wall scrubber or equivalent.
· Reactor Cavity Floor Scrubber shall be provided WEPA floor scrubber model RM3 or equivalent.
· Reactor Cavity Hand Held Scrubber shall be provided WEPA hand held scrubber model RM20 or equivalent.

e. Technical Requirements
· Quality Assurance Program Manual
· Performance Test Report

Note: 1 The extent to which the QA requirements are to be applied shall be consistent with the importance to nuclear safety of the item, service or process. A graded approach, which can satisfy the necessary requirements and ensure the required quality and safety, shall be used.

Brief Corporate Overview Form

Procurement Package No. 9-159-N221B
Vendor: Country1:
Note: 1 The nationality of a multinational corporation (a business organization that is based in one State and has branches, subsidiaries, and plants in other States) is the State in which the business unit signing the Subcontract is located.
1) Demonstrated Quality - Provide a brief description of your quality assurance program. Reference any applicable Regulatory Codes and Standards certificates your company currently holds. Give examples of how your company has demonstrated that it can produce the product in question to the quality standards required, including any products for power plant applications. Address any significant warranty work for these products in the last 5 years.

2) Capability to Produce the Product - Discuss the production capacity of the facility that will make this product. Include the approximate percent capacity that will be dedicated to this production and any other fabrication scheduled for the facility during this time period (backlog). Describe your company's technical (design, engineering, manufacturing) expertise that will be in support of this production.

3) Demonstrated Schedule Performance - Give examples of schedule performance for past manufacturing and delivery of similar products.

4) Company Stability - What is your company's financial status in terms of Dun & Bradstreet ratings and financial ratios? Include a copy of your company's annual report with your response.


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